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In her eBook, “How to Add an Ours Baby to Your Stepfamily…Without Resentment Getting in the Way” Heidi Farrell guides stepmoms through the normal feelings of bitterness, resentment, sadness, and even happiness. 

She shares personal stories from her experience, as well as experiences from other stepmoms, while adding practical tips to claim your joy again – even in the middle of the confusion and tension!

Topics in this eBook range from how to deal with discipline or safety issues with a stepchild around an “ours child,” to how to confront the personal feelings of disappointment when life looks differently than expected, to ways to bond with a stepchild when an “ours baby” arrives so they feel secure.

In addition to understanding the stepmom’s dilemma from first-hand experience, Heidi Farrell provides perspectives from a stepchild and partner’s position, and she offers effective communicate tools and practical tips to work through resentment so everyone in the family wins!

Get your copy today by clicking here!

  • Heidi Farrell's eBook

    Get Your Copy of My eBook Today!

    Heidi Farrell’s eBook, “How to Add an Ours Baby to Your Stepfamily…Without Letting Resentment Get in the Way,” is an excellent resource for any stepmom who has already had an “ours baby,” or is considering what might happen if she does bring a baby into her stepfamily.

    In addition to understanding the stepmom’s complicated feelings about adding an “ours baby” from …

  • Video Course

    Video Course: “Conversations to Have Before You Say ‘I Do’…when kids are involved!”

    Don’t go one step further until you ask yourself these questions about the person you’re dating…if kids are involved!!

    Explore 10 super important deal-breakers that will help you determine if your significant other is the right person for you…or if you should stop in your tracks and walk away from a potentially disastrous relationship.

    This 50-minute, easy-to-digest video course is short …