Then, you need this “ours baby” book!
Order your digital download HERE
For a stepmom who is pregnant, desires becoming pregnant, or has already brought an “ours baby” into the world, she has no doubt faced some complicated questions and emotions!
In her eBook, “How to Add an Ours Baby to Your Stepfamily…Without Resentment Getting in the Way” Heidi Farrell guides stepmoms through the normal feelings of bitterness, resentment, sadness, and even happiness.
She shares personal stories from her experience, as well as experiences from other stepmoms, while adding practical tips to claim your joy again – even in the middle of the confusion and tension!
Here’s what stepmoms are saying about this “ours baby” eBook:
“I absolutely loved this book! It is a truly helpful resource. You have such a positive tone that inspires the best in people, including me.”
“Book is superb!!”
“You captured it beautifully!”
Topics in this “ours baby” eBook include
- how to deal with discipline or safety issues with a stepchild around an “ours child”
- how to confront the personal feelings of disappointment when life looks differently than expected
- ways to bond with a stepchild when an “ours baby” arrives so they feel secure.
In addition to understanding the stepmom’s complicated feelings about adding an “ours baby” from first-hand experience, Heidi Farrell also provides insight into how a partner or stepchild often feels.
She offers effective communicate tools and practical tips to address resentment and bitterness so everyone in the family wins!

Order your digital download HERE today
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