To you moms and stepmoms and grandmas and care givers and helpers out there.
You know who you are.
You are one who has been faithfully sacrificing in big and little ways for days…and months…and years.
You’ve been giving selflessly of yourself, reaching out to others, even when that has meant neglecting your own needs.
“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.”
2 Chronicles 15:7
Your hands have not been weak.
Your hands have lifted up and held and comforted a distressed child, even when your body is weary.

Your hands have stroked a teary cheek, brushed knotted hair, wiped counters, cleaned endless messes, scrubbed toilets, bathtubs and crayon off the wall, driven kids to numerous activities and sport practices, because you see the value in providing a good life for those in your care.
Your hands have prepared meals for your family, for a mom who had a baby, for an elderly neighbor. You have done this even when your grocery budget was stretched.

Your hands have written a note of encouragement to a friend and dropped it in the mail just because your heart was stirred.

Your hands have opened the door of your home and welcomed a mommy and her children for a play date, even when it took all your energy to tidy up in preparation.
Your hands have cared for a sick child, spouse or aging parent. You have been vomited on. Your hands have cleaned things that have made you queasy. You have endured words that sting. You have given so much, even when you could desperately use a few minutes just for yourself.

You have given endless amounts of your time and finances to help others; to build the kingdom of God. It may have stretched your budget, but you have done it out of obedience to Him, knowing it is more blessed to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35)
You have volunteered your time by helping, sorting, cleaning, raking, mowing, hauling, building, cooking, serving a meal or coffee, teaching Sunday school or watching children in the nursery at church because you are physically able to help.
You do all of this because you understand the importance of investing in others and it brings you joy.

Sometimes you have received a thank you.
Sometimes it has been heartfelt.
But often a thank you has been overlooked.
It is forgotten.
It is assumed.
At times, it can be exhausting, disheartening and downright disappointing to serve others.
But God sees you.
He sees you acting out of love for others.
He sees you acting as His son, Jesus, did. He sees your hands open — sacrificing, encouraging and helping.

He watches you obediently and compassionately care for the treasures He has given you.
There’s a reason that verse in 2nd Chronicles tells us take courage:
Because selflessly serving others requires faith.
It requires faith that God will supply our needs even when we have given time and resources beyond our comfort zone.
It requires faith to keep persevering when we don’t get a “thank you,” knowing we don’t always see the lasting effect of our words and actions.
It requires faith to step out when we’d rather shield our eyes from the needs of the world around us, keeping the troubles of others at an arm’s length.

It requires faith to invite others into our home when we question our hostess abilities or worry our house isn’t big enough.
It requires faith to become vulnerable to the Holy Spirit as He stirs our hearts into action…
…because sometimes obedience is scary.
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is to gain.”
Philippians 1:22
Living in fear; living in self absorption—that is easier.
Why? Because living in faith means losing something. It may, for a season, mean losing our dignity, our time, our money and maybe ourselves.
But your courage is seen. And it’s important.

Your kind heart; your giving spirit – it is making a difference.
You are making a difference in the lives of your children; your step-children; your grandchildren; your friends; your family; your neighbors and strangers.
You may never know how your sacrifices have touched their lives until you reach Heaven.
But the reward will be sweet when you hear the words:
“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”
Matthew 25:23
Thank you for serving and loving so well. You are cherished. You are valued. You are seen, indeed.
Bethany · May 8, 2019 at 6:52 am
Thanks for the heart-warming and motivational reminder for this mother’s day! 😊
admin · May 8, 2019 at 4:54 pm
Aww, thanks. Take all those words to heart, you Supermom, you!!
Courtney · May 10, 2019 at 12:23 am
Such a great reminder that no matter what God is watching us even when it feels like no one else is noticing.
admin · May 12, 2019 at 7:36 pm
Hi Courtney! Thanks for your comment. It’s amazing to me that God orchestrates so much beyond what we are aware of…we just have to be obedient and someday we’ll see it! Have a great day!
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